Its another day

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  • Apr 10, 2024

Its another day

It’s been a minute since we met again.

Anyway what’s up was that faith came across me in a new dimension.

I have always loved the gospel of John for the powerful revelation of Jesus that it is to us but something came brand new to me and it is the fact that most times when reading scriptures we do not give attention to the details probably because we have heard those stories over and over and feel there is nothing new about it or we are negligent or better still we just want to run through whatever we read.

Well what I read yesterday is from John 11. You know the John 11 where you have in the 35th verse Jesus wept which is the shortest verse in scriptures. To digress a little bit. For those who do not know, the shortest and the longest chapters in the bible are Psalms 117 and 119 respectively. The longest verse in the bible is Esther 8:9. I had to look that up on google I guess that’s okay. We did not have that in my Sunday school days.

John 11:6–7

So on hearing that Lazarus was sick, He stayed where He was for two days. And then He said to the disciples, “Let us go back to Judea.”

Anxiety is a serious health problem in the world today and this is simply because as humans, we cannot decipher what is happening outside of our perimeter and we definitely cannot control them. This is why we rely on the supernatural to have a glimpse. A glimpse because that is all we have ability for. Remember when God was going to show Moses the promised land although he was not going to get in. This is something like that.

The first thing I observed from that verse was that Jesus heard that the one whom he loved was sick. So as a person when you hear that your loved one is seriously sick, what happens? most times we are anxious. Making calls or going to visit them and trying our possible best to make sure they get back to health but that was not the case here and that leads us to the second part. “He stayed there”. When you have a loved one that is sick and you are on a business trip, you want to round up immediately or get help to them through some means while you monitor but the point was that Jesus stayed there. I thought what would follow that would be that he stayed because they brought many that were sick to him and all those kind of stories but that was not the case. He just stayed there. Now this is Jesus we are talking about, He is never idle or just playing around but he definitely would not let anxiety get to him. So this is the picture that occurred to me. Jesus needed time to pray and that was the time he had to do that. In recent times, I have learnt by experience of the need to always commit our ways into God’s hand even over things we think we can handle. I have had to learn this in an unusual way myself. Be open to God’s way and not your way. Humanly speaking It does not look right that Jesus did not go immediately but our lives is not about making things look right before men. It is about following the plan and purpose of God. Today when you pick your bible and read ” Jesus raised Lazarus”, it sounds so sweet but some background work like just taking out sometime to find out God’s purpose for the moment will bring outstanding testimonies. The wisdom of God is foolishness to men.

John 11: 9-10

Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours of daylight? If anyone walks in the daytime, he will not stumble, because he sees by the light of this world. But if anyone walks at night, he will stumble, because he has no light.”

This verse is like the one in Ecclesiastes 3 where the bible was talking about there is time for everything. A time to die is included and a time to be resurrected if we may put it that way.

Lazarus was going to die and Jesus was telling the other guys that his sickness was not unto death because death is not the final end of the story. Do you know that God can see through all of the things standing on your way right now and he has prepared Jesus to attend to your situation and the point is Jesus’ preparation does not have to fit into what you know. Remember Naaman the Syrian warrior who expected Elisha to just come out of his House and do some abrakadabra and so he would get well, yeah that kind of thing. Elisha knew by God that that was not the father’s plan to rescue him at the time. May God grant us wisdom to be able to wait on him and follow his plan for our rescue. David would ask God should I go and how should this battle be fought. Wisdom is profitable to direct.

John 11: 17

When Jesus arrived, He found that Lazarus had already spent four days in the tomb.

Some commentaries believe that Lazarus must have been dead 5 or 6 days based on the fact that in Jewish tradition according to them at the time, it would take a day or two to prepare a body for burial. That notwithstanding, my focus was the state of the situation. He was dead. Blood was no longer flowing because he is dead and his blood vessels were already clogged. His organs were down and after five days, the process of decomposition of the body was already set in motion. There was this belief that the Jewish people had as I was learnt that he would not be completely dead until after the third day because his spirit would still be in him for 3 days. So every scenario of tradition or biology of human survival have been satisfied before Jesus shows up. Jesus might seem like he is delayed getting to your situation, He just want you to see at the end of the day that God did the impossible.

If you have ever been at a place where an old diesel engine that had been down for years and was now been brought back to service you know the terrible smoke that comes from the exhaust and usually there will be vibrations and sometimes you need help with gasoline to start such engine. Technicians sometimes struggle for days to get the engines back to service.

John 11 : 38-40

Jesus, once again deeply moved, came to the tomb. It was a cave with a stone laid across the entrance. “Take away the stone,” Jesus said.“Lord, by now he stinks,” said Martha, the sister of the dead man. “It has already been four days.” Jesus replied, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?”

As I conclude, I am not sure what the situation before you looks like but ther is something that you need to have at the back of your mind, God can do anything (even things you think are not possible). Things you think you can handle by yourself, God wants you to give them to him so he can guide you in wisdom to accomplish them and things that may be impossibilities to you are his specialty. Give your dead Lazarus to him today. You know the great part is even when you feel like this is impossible, you can let him know your feeling and he will take it up from there.


That was all the king of glory needed to say for a dead man who was already stinking to have his rotten heart and all the organs in his body to jump start and start running like a smooth engine. You know there was no need to change any part of his body or him the body shakingly getting up. Once he called Lazarus, he came out whole. Jesus wil speak to your Lazarus today and your story will not be the same.