Father’s day

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  • Apr 10, 2024

Father’s day

I remember these situations that I found myself at a stage in my life. I was working and lived not too far away from my parents and my mom used to have this effect on me that whenever we talked which was usually a couple of times in a week, she had a way of bringing words out of me, even on things I was probably just still processing at the time. Once she got the knowledge of what was brewing, she would relate it to Dad and his first reaction whenever he saw me was ” You are a man and you could have come to me with the issues at hand and we’ll deal with it as men”. I would try to let him know that my intention was not to talk to my mom about it at the time but that it just happened. He is so that protective of all of us.

Matthew 23:9

And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.

The scripture above was one of the times that Jesus tried to straighten out the Pharisees at the time. They were used to being called all kind of names to flaunt their ego. Names like Rabbi, Father and Jesus wanted to address the issue so he called people to the understanding that their was just one father for all which literally is the truth and that no one was your father. That being said, Just by way of jokes, I was supposed to lead morning devotion at our family altar on this particular day and I think about this time, me and Dad had something we have not come to the same page on. I am not sure how I came to the above scriptures as the scripture verse for the day but anyways I was supposed to teach about it which I did to the best of my knowledge at the time and after our devotion he said “well God also recognizes father” LOL. I miss you Mr Owolabi.

On another level, the responsibilities on the fathers is gigantic and enormous. Being the father of six different individual with different personalities and still being able to bring all up to being decent people in society and most importantly heirs to the kingdom is definitely the workings of God. Having the responsibility to guide a whole human being from birth until he or she is able to now make decisions and even beyond is not a simple assignment. I had this experience recently, I was frustrated about some things going on and was going to throw in but God used my Dad to speak to me. I mean it was a whole level of discussion and him telling me how proud he was of some decisions I have had to make even though they were not easy on me

One of the biggest memories about my Dad was an accident that happened to my sister and we were just chatting about the accident recently and we laughed but it was not funny at the time. My sister was sent on an errand and was running on her way back and got her feet into large chunks of a broken bottle. This was not a small cut but very deep. One can see blood gushing from the feet so much that my Dad could not hold his emotions any longer but started crying himself. He couldn’t drive so he asked one of his assistants to drive them to the hospital for her to be treated.

Now in a different world and a different time, I have come to appreciate all of the things I took for granted that my parents did for us as kids. If you have your father or your Dad because they mean different things to some people, please do appreciate them today.

I was watching a clip on paternity court recently and this 30 years old lady who had come to court to petition that the DNA for a particular man she believed to be her Dad be done to ascertain he was her Dad. This was because her mom had told her he was her dad plus this man was a lady’s man about the time she was conceived. So She had every reason to believe her mom who was now deceased at this time. The court read the result of the DNA test that he was not her dad. Meanwhile as the case was developing, she had formed relationship with one of the man’s daughter who had accepted her as sister and now comes this disappointment. This lady broke in tears and asked the man if he could be her father notwithstanding which he accepted. The essence of telling this story is that there are people out there today who are just looking for a father in their lives. Would you want to be?