Feeling Inadequate
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Right from the get go, my mission was to have some write up ready for every week but that definitely has not been the case. This does not mean there has not been revelations that could be shared but sometimes just overthinking whatever the outcome will be can be a big distraction.
Psalm 24 : 1-3
The earth is the LORD’S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.
Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place?
King David had started that psalm describing the vastness of the greatness of God and was caught somewhere in between trying to see if he could qualify to come before the most high. Jesus said, If I be lifted up, I will draw men near unto me which will mean when we dare to seek God in his awesomeness, we will definitely see him in a new light. Remember when Prophet Isaiah’s eyes were open to see the lord, that was the point where he saw his being insufficient and not being fit to appear. Now there is this insufficiency that leads us to becoming humble people which is definitely a way God uses to fit us into his purpose and there is a second insufficiency which rises from the pit of hell and the end goal is to derail us from the same purpose for which we are preparing ourselves. Whatever the eyes and by eyes I mean his inner man of Isaiah saw at the time God drew him near, it must have been something to get him to the next level of his life and ministry. This definitely was the case because the who trajectory of his ministry shifted after that chapter 6 of Isaiah.
Remember I mentioned overthinking things at the beginning. Most times when reading Isaiah 6, we are quick to admit the hold over the life of Isaiah definitely would be Uzziah because it was after his death, that he began to see the glory of God. He should probably have prayed the fall down and die prayer for Uzziah a long time ago. I remember a friend of mine told me some years ago the procedure of prophesy in their church at the time. They are a church where they actually ordain prophets and with time these prophets gets promoted from Local to District to Area prophets. Which is quite understandable for administrative purpose. Now the twist in this situation is that a district prophet cannot give prophecy where the Area Prophet is and a Local Prophet cannot also give prophesy where a district prophet is. This is not trying to criticize the church procedure because some things are put in place by churches and other organizations to be able to have orderliness. Remember Uzziah was a well accomplished king ( 2 Chronicles 26 ). He ruled Judah for 52 years and had a well organized army. It was during his time in Judah that machine guns were first invented and he gained reputation as one of the most accomplished kings in Judah because Judah prospered greatly during his reign. So its not uncommon for Isaiah to feel sometimes too small before him or inadequate. Remember he tried to go officiate the office of the Priest before he caught leprosy. One can say that Uzziah has a domineering figure which towered over the ministry of Isaiah. Was this in effect Uzziah’s problem or that of Isaiah? There are some school of thought also about Uzziah being Isaiah’s uncle. I mean things could get worse with this.
Have you ever felt probably like Isaiah that whatever you do or you are trying to accomplish whether for the ministry or by yourself is being measured in the light of the success of other people or in comparison to other?
Uzziah died before God could get a hold of Isaiah to bring him to his full potential and get him out from under the shadows of Uzziah but I want to use this to draw your attention to the fact that God had been seeking your attention in order to get you to a place where he can endlessly pour of his grace in you but its probably being difficult for him to get your attention and mine too. How about we all ask God this moment to help us remove this hold over our lives. Kenneth E. Hagin in his book The Believer’s Authority shared how he was in a meeting with Jesus and the devil came in between like a heavy shadow separating him from Jesus and Jesus would not send the devil away until he did. Its time for us to rise and send the devil packing.
James 1:13-16
Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death. Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.
In Paul’s admonition to the Ephesian in chapter 6 and verses 13b and 14 he encouraged the believers saying “having done all to stand, stand therefore…….”. There is the aspect of chasing the devil away cannot be played alone without the need to root out the aspect of being ‘drawn away’. I am imagining that for the devil to get us down any particular lane, he needs to find something he could anchor his hook or rope on. Its like you are trying to take a cow to slaughter without getting the rope around the neck. So with what hook or rope is the devil drawing you away into this feeling of not being enough?
For some its probably what their parent or someone with such authority told them and even though they have tried to get over the hoop on many occasions, they have not because those words said to them by such people dug a hole in their heart that they are yet to be healed from. So you see even though the demon is casted, the problem was not completely solved. No wonder Jesus said when some demons are casted nothing is done about the person, they are repossessed 8 times by the time the devil is back. At whatever juncture your desires crosses the plan and purpose of God for your life, you need to take charge and deliberately speak into existence the nature that you were created for originally. There is a mental aspect unto our healing and it is the fact that we need to see ourselves how God sees us. Whatever was said to you or about you does not matter as long as you see yourself how God sees you. That you are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works ( Ephesians 2:10 ).
1 Peter 2: 9-10
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, to proclaim the virtues of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.…