Change the mindset

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  • May 10, 2024

Change the mindset

I was watching an Yvonne Orji’s interview on Good Morning America where she was promoting her book “Bamboozled by Jesus” and the anchor hit a chord in me with the quote she gave which was ” You need to get the voice in your head out of the way to listen to the voice from above ” This is phenomenal to hear because it speaks to the struggles people have to deal with on daily basis.

Jennie Allen in her book ” Get out of your head ” which is a once in a generation book for anyone whether Christian or not addressed this issue of how it is possible to be alienated from your reality because of what you have playing in your head.

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23 :7a

Now what exactly is my reality? The reality of Abraham was that he is a father to many nations and his name was changed to depict his present status and Sarah’s name was also changed to show where they are now. So am trying to put myself in Abraham’s shoe so to say. When God pronounced that now you are the father of nations and his wife Sarah mother of nations but at this point they were still barren, then it will take a change of heart to see those things that are yet to manifest as though they were already in place. I remember the story shared by David Yonggi Cho in his book “Fourth Dimension” where he shared how he was trying to teach his congregation about faith. He had explained to them how God had provided things that were obviously not yet physically present. He had mentioned he was praying for a table, chair and an American bike. And he sure confessed that since he had prayed for them, they were already provided. People came to his house to see those things he had told them he had received from God but they couldn’t find them. So he said well when you are pregnant, do you see the baby in the womb physically? and that he was pregnant of those things he told them he had received and that at the appointed time, he would be delivered of those things. Eventually, he got all of those things he had asked for.

2 Corinthians 10: 4-6

The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world. Instead, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We tear down arguments and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, as soon as your obedience is complete. (Berean Study Bible)

Yonggi Cho eventually got all the thing he asked for and the people eventually understood his point about faith but while he was waiting for those answers to come, how many times did the voice in his head got in the way of his expectations?

this is an everyday struggle we face when you are expectant your mind is racing now the most difficult part is when you find yourself where the situation is actually driving in the opposite direction. Pastor Faith Oyedepo shared recently at the 40th anniversary of their ministry about the time she fell terribly ill and the situation was getting worse and she was wondering if that was the end for her before her husband told God “If you called me, then you must act”. So in essence Bishop Oyedepo had to take his thought realm beyond whatever was physically the situation. He went to create his wife from his mind and today he has her by him.

Romans 4 : 17c

” the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being what does not yet exist”

To get to the point where like God we are calling things into existence, we must first of all delete the noises that are playing in our head. No wonder Paul said tearing down argument, taking thought captive to the obedience of Christ. These arguments will always show up but we must also show up with the word of God. Remember when the devil was playing the same noise to Jesus to turn stone to bread or jump from the top of the mountain and all that, Jesus shut him down with the word of God.

Jennie Allen in her book mentioned that these things that the devil was painting to her for the space of about 18 months kept her tied down and feeling like she is not enough and all those negative thoughts the devil kept bringing were the guide for her and those were the things that will always be the case until she recognized this was a warfare and fought back. I tagged myself Mr reality until recently when I realized this was the machination of the enemy. I accept everything that happen and take them as probably that’s the way it was meant to be until I was challenged about creating my life into what I was shown it was supposed to be and not what people or any system has designed that it should be. May I challenge you today to consider exercising the creative power God has invested in you and call your world into existence and never allow all the voices in your head to control your destiny.