Thinking through the idea of following my heart to do this has taken a while not necessarily because I do not want to write this but just weighing every side of what the conversation will be to ensure that it will come out perfectly, Alas I might never be able to do that because am never close to perfect in anything that I have done before this and will not be perfect on this either.
May be you are like me waiting for the perfect time to take the next step in your journey of life and you probably have waited for so long but never arrived at the strategic stand point you longed for then you might want to just shoot your shot.
I was reading Paul’s epistle to the Romans the ninth chapter again this morning. I have had to read that chapter a couple of times recently just trying to get the breadth, length, depth and height of the message the Paul was trying to pass to the Romans and if it had anything to do with what direction my thought have been recently. Paul said ” I wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brethren”. This took my mind to several years back while I was working with this man who was of another faith. We worked together in the same shift and he just seemed so devoted to his religion and I had this unusual burden to pray for him. At some point I went ahead to speak with him about the need to accept Christ and be saved. I felt this sympathy for him for the downward path he was on and that it will lead to nothing but destruction. He didn’t accept my call to him to consider seeking Christ but that did not deter me from continually seeking the face of God on his behalf until I felt I had this testimony in my spirit that his case was settled. In the middle of all these, I must have found myself praying like Paul to take the damnation of this man in his stead. Love for men can drive us to have ourselves thinking like Christ when he took our place on the cross to die for the sin of mankind.
Reaching across to people is like an impossible task for me and that’s because am already analyzing what the likely outcome of the interaction will be before even stepping forward. Now there are different sides to this, I could say that am an introvert and as such does not have the tendency to want to approach people first but at the same time I want to be a witness for his glory, how conflicting is that? You could have noticed that from the beginning that this blog was supposed to have been on for a while but am good at procrastinating and wondering whether it will be well received or not. Will it be wrong to say that was the enemy’s strategy of stopping me from advancing. This is supposed to be the my journey to learn and share the burden of my people and today I took the first step to say never again will I be silent on the oppression of my people because while I might not understand the depth of the challenge that my people might be dealing with, accepting ignorance and making assumptions about what I don’t understand will not be the norm but deliberately seeking out information and counsel from the appropriate persons, not forming ideas in my head of the outcome of the interactions I have not even sought will no longer work and most importantly in faith through prayers fighting the good fight until we reach victory.
Whatever your individual struggle might be and whatever factor might be in play to hinder you on your way notwithstanding, I pray with you today for every gates of hell to be moved off your way and may you enter into your victory in Jesus name amen.